Receive a free analysis of your loan and interest rate with no obligation! If we can't beat your previous loan estimate we will give you a $100 gift card to Home Depot for just considering us!

Save Money
We shop with multiple lenders to find a range of products and pricing for your needs.

Have a Better Experience
We surround ourselves with top-notch professionals ensuring a seamless process that makes obtaining your home loan much easier.

Shop Around
This program allows you to compare rates, fees, customer service, and other key aspects of the loan process.
Please provide our loan officer with a loan estimate from a competing lender within 24 hours
*Not all borrowers will qualify, and all loans are subject to approval. Not valid with other offers. For offer, you must work with the inside Purchase Team at Radar Home Loans LLC. Program rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change without notice. One gift card per household. Offer not valid for home equity lines of credit or second mortgage loans.